Wednesday, May 20, 2009

This is What i'm Talking about

this is a note from Tony Horton's Facebook account

by Michael Wisherop
May 18 at 5:46am

I've seen others send you messages about their P90X successes, so here's mine in brief. College swimmer in great shape, got a career, then a house, then a family, then I realized I put on about 100 lbs. Sore ankel, couldn't catch my 3 year old daughter at the play ground, couldn't hang (not even trying a pullup) from the monkey bars. Doctor said ankle would never get better, gave me a brace, said losing weight wouldn't help my injury, CAN'T run again. Started P90, lost over 50 lbs, lost the ankle brace. Diagnosed with bone cancer, had tailbone removed, back on P90 after 6 weeks recovery. Stayed on P90 through radiation treatment, started P90X immediately after. Lost another 35 lbs. Fittest ever, started walking, then jogging, then running. Ran the San Francisco Bay to Breakers for the first time yesterday, sore today, but hit Chest, Shoulders and Tri's this morning. CAN do 15 pull ups in a row, and out run my kids again... for now.

Thank you, and Beach Body!


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