Monday, August 24, 2009

How to reduce Healthcare Costs

Reported here from March, 63% Support Affordable Health Care for ‘Every Single American’

This is an old stat, but I heard Scott Rasmussen say on Huckabee July 18th that were Amaricans are in agree meant with the Health care situation is that they want lower costs.

Don't we all. It is not news to most of you that I had a "Health" Revival a few years back, and maybe it is due to this that I truly see the issue less about the Insurance companies and health care providers and much more about the health of our nation and the lack of a level of personal responsibility.

If My Auto insurance rates were high, guess what, it would most likely be due to my record behind the wheel. And yes to blame all health issues on our lifestyles is a bit insensitive, and I know that accidents happen and the Fall of man is a true curse sometimes. Yet most of our health problems are due to the Choices that we make. For most they do not see it hit them directly, because they just go to the Doctor and have the Insurance billed.But all this excessive use of the system is costing us all very much. We are an unhealthy nation.

I will even say before I started taking care of myself I would spend a lot of time, some of my money and some of a providers money going many times a year to the Chiropractor. I had the pain and had the coverage, so I used it. I am thankful to say that I am no longer taxing the system with my back pain, because I have none. I am taking care of myself.

So it gets my going a little to hear all this talk about how can we lower the costs. Lets take better care of ourselves.

Now that I have alienated most, I do want to say that I am excited to help anyone that wants to Reverse the Trend that America is on and in turn reduce the costs of caring for out nations health. I know that passion about this comes out, I just hope that the Caring that I have is also seen.

Take care (and pass that care on.)